We shine here.
These are the amazing retailers who carry Jolie Mack Designs in their stores. You should visit these super spots for your own good!
Next Door Style; www.nextdoorstyle.com British Columbia, Canada based .com
Next Door Style is a .com shopping haven for Divas who like to buy hand crafted, hand made, and local. Shop a passel of individually designed items from high fashion to amazing accessories, including exclusive pieces by Jolie Mack Designs.
Citrine Boutique; #103 - 829 Goldstream Avenue, Victoria.
Tel. (250) 590-6043
Vancouver Island is one of the coolest places on Earth. Citrine is nestled in a quaint area of BC's capital city, Victoria, and this little nook adds just that much more to the already perfect Island. Jolie Mack Designs is so excited to have crossed the Pacific pond, now available exclusively at Citrine Boutique. Visit to shop the huge selection of handbags, gift cards, and jewelery by BC based artists.
Taraxca Sterling Silver; 1834 West 4th Avenue, Vancouver.
Tel. (604) 732-8990
Step into this beautiful boutique and you'll be starry eyed with sparkling silver jewelery dreams! JMD is very proud to be included in Taraxca's impressive array of the nicest and surprisingly affordable treasures. p.s: the store is on one of Kitsilano's coolest shopping avenues!
Stone Art Gallery; 49 Queens Street in Old Town Port Moody.
Tel. (604) 931-2662
This quaint little heritage house is home to many local designers, showcasing everything from jewelery and photography to unique sculpture. Just down from a Starbucks, come by for a coffee and be amazed at the glorious spoils inside! Jolie Mack Designs is excited to be included!
3659 Main Street (at 21st Avenue); Vancouver, BC.
Tel. (604) 877-1555
Narcissist boutique has brilliant fashion, in-house designed and manufactured. Beautiful occasion wear, bridal fashion and chic casual styles are all found here.
Jolie Mack Designs is a good fit to compliment this boutique's sophisticated feel and bouquet of fashion. Exclusive boutique to carry The Perfect Match: Bridesmaid Glam Made Simple by Jolie Mack Designs!